Ideas and Innovation Conversation

Sharing a few ideas and innovations

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Like tooling, You will like this one. Do not use tooling. Give to a friend that does. They will thank you for it.
It is a Hot innovation and gives a boost of confidence 
to the hard to get places.
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Mechanics, Media friends and Friends 
Just an other great day in New England
All I needed to do is change the baring. A $50.00 part
Our mechanic said it was the third worst to change.
I said to myself how hard can it be. Work on plenty.
It went pretty well till the swing arm bolt.
So I resorted to a little Yankee Ingenuity.
If you are like me ready to try on a thought wait a few. In my older age I did have a little plan and should not be trying the content in the photos unless you have experience. 
 Well broke the bolt. The red item is a Hydraulic jack braced off the trailer tow support with a block of wood to a bar going down through the chine hook. To a block of wood to and extension to a socket to a steel rod and to the broken bolt still in the bushing:) About as much pressure as I dared give it, heat and a hammer. Did not even move a chip of rust. Dawn or _____.
Ball Joint fork to the cam to a jack, lifting the car. Hydraulics to the broken bolt, heat and hammer did not move. Third broke out the saw all. It came out. A little over a Hundred more in the parts as I just need to change the bearing. But hay it was a challenge. 
One thing I very muched liked is the change of the break adjuster from out of the dust. Great improvement. Took years but hay it is much easier and cleaner to work with.
If getting a kick or laugh from this Yankee Ingenuity
Like to sell few of RD's Gismo to pay for the added cost.
For myself it was years for the break adjuster engineering.
Hats off for that Engineer or Team
Years for RD's Gismo
The small assistance that makes a difference.
Check it out
Hope you enjoyed RD
Thank you to 
Brownies Speed Shop
Enfield Garage
Enfield, NH
For the spring compressor, Balljoint fork
and making time to press the bearing's

Making the best of the economy
Adding a truck rack for under $55.00 in materials.
Featuring plywood space for a small truck, Lumber and Tools.
If you have down sized to save vehicle and fuel cost and can't even fix in a 6 foot level.
There is hope!

Platform made from 5/4 x 6
Supporting the rack itself and providing the 4 ft. 1/2 In. needed for the plywood

Front wind diverter

Rear down drift spoiler.
Off setting the added weight
If deciding to build one, do not over do the down draft spoiler!
Consult with some one that knows about wind and lift to surface.

Opportunity in or out side the box
This hammock frame design can be built to fit any Hammock.
Simple adjustments can set the firmness or depth of the hammock you desire

Do not need a large shop to start.
In fact a simple set up out doors with an
10' by 20' Lawn tent works great.

Having your own Garden does not have to cost a lot and is a great place to take in the rewords of your work!

 Tell us what you think!

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Robert & Debbie Ford

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